Volunteer Centre

Volunteer Centre  Role Details

Nature conservation volunteer

Islington Ecology Centre

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Join our weekly volunteer work day on Thursdays to help us manage the three nature reserves in Islington - Gillespie Park, Barnsbury Wood and a section of Parkland Walk.

Work includes things like coppicing trees, cutting meadows using sycthes, cutting back plants around paths and entrances and building dead hedges. This is not a gardening role.

You do not need any previous experience as we show all volunteers what to do and how to use the tools. We provide all tools, gloves and work boots.

The volunteer day is Thursdays from 10am - 12pm and 1.15pm - 3.15pm. You can come for half or the whole day. We can pay travel expenses and also lunch expenses up to £7 with receipts, if you work the whole day.

The group works with the Nature Conservation Team at Gillespie Park.


No previous experience or skills necessary. You just need a willingness to work outside.

You will be part of a very friendly group of volunteers who usually go for lunch together. There is a lovely social aspect to this volunteering. You'll feel part of a wider team of people that are caring for the nature reserves in Islington and will leave knowing you've done something tangible and important. Plus you can bring friends to the reserve afterwards and point out what you've done! Perfect opportunity for anyone wanting to get into or learn more about biodiversity, working in parks and nature reserves and understanding more about seasonal work. It is also a great form of exercise and gets you moving without having to sign up to a gym.

Further location details may be provided below.

Jo Corrall

Islington Ecology Centre 191 Drayton Park London

N5 1PH

Nearest station is Arsenal. Turn right out of the station and follow the road for about 3 minutes. The entrance to Gillespie Park is on your right. Walk up the slope towards the Ecology Centre - the blue wooden building. Nearest bus stops are on Blackstock Road. Buses 4, 19 and 236. Nearest train station is Drayton Park. Turn left out of the station and follow the road for about 8 minutes. The entrance is on your left.

Email ecologycentre@islington.gov.uk

Volunteer Centre  Application Process

Volunteer Centre  Support you will receive

We have a range of tasks that can suit a wide variety of needs. However the work is fundamentally physical so some level of mobility is required. It would not be suitable for those using wheelchairs. Please speak to us about specific requirements as we can discuss in more detail. The team have training in mental health and dementia.

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Volunteer Centre  When we need you to do this role

     Morning       Afternoon       Evening   

Volunteer Centre  Role Type

Volunteer Centre  Suitable For

18 and over

Volunteer Centre  We Welcome

 We welcome and/or have the resources to support:

Volunteer Centre  Covid Safe

We work outside and each volunteer has their own pair of gloves. We have anti-bacterical hand gel for people to use. If volunteers wish to wear a face mask they are very welcome to. The group has an agreement that if someone else would like them to wear a face mask when working in close proximity with them, they should not feel worried about asking. If that person does not wish to wear one then they will work in a different area. The group are very respectful of each others wishes around face masks and other covid prevention measures.

Volunteer Centre  Location

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