Volunteer Centre

Volunteer Centre  Role Details

Gardening at Sutton Vision

Sutton Vision

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We are looking for volunteers who can help us with garden maintenance including planting, cutting back, weeding, fence painting, sweeping up & watering the pots from March to September.

Sutton Vision is a charity for visually impaired people based in Robinhood Lane, Sutton., during the Spring & Summer months we use our outside space for activities.
We are looking for volunteers who can help us with garden maintenance including planting, cutting back, weeding, fence painting, sweeping up & watering the pots from March to September. If you have 1/2 hours a week (Mon-Thurs) spare and have a interest in gardening, please contact Amanda 0208 409 7166.

We are a small friendly charity who considers our volunteers as part of our team!
To start your volunteer experience we will provide in-house induction training about Sutton Vision and the services we provide to visually impaired people.
We supply a volunteer handbook covering safeguarding, expenses etc.
We provide a DBS where required.
We organise quarterly volunteer coffee mornings and hold yearly appreciation event for Volunteers Week.
A reference can be obtained from Sutton Vision after 1 year of continued volunteering.

WAYS YOU CAN APPLY: Contact Amanda at the office 0208 409 7166 or by email amandalarter@suttonvision.org.uk and by visiting our website www.suttonvision.org.uk


Gardening, Organising & Planning

1. Friendly and personable 2. Love gardening, maintenance & knowledge of plants 3. Flexibility

BENEFITS: We are a small friendly charity who considers our volunteers as part of our team! To start your volunteer experience we will provide in-house induction training about Sutton Vision and the services we provide to visually impaired people. We supply a volunteer handbook covering safeguarding, expenses etc. We provide a DBS where required. We organise quarterly volunteer coffee mornings and hold yearly appreciation event for Volunteers Week. A reference can be obtained from Sutton Vision after 1 year of continued volunteering.

1-2 hours per week or fortnight depending on your availability.

Further location details may be provided below.

Sutton Vision, Ground Floor, 3 Robin Hood Lane, Sutton, Surrey


Ground floor of Scill Building located in the carpark behind the Robin Hood Lane Health Centre


Volunteer Centre  Application Process

Volunteer Centre  Support you will receive

Sutton Vision will support volunteers with access requirements where possible.

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Volunteer Centre  When we need you to do this role

     Morning       Afternoon       Evening   

Volunteer Centre  Role Type

Volunteer Centre  Suitable For


Volunteer Centre  We Welcome

 We welcome and/or have the resources to support:

We welcome volunteers with a visual impairment

Volunteer Centre  Location

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Volunteer Centre  Other Roles for this organisation

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