Volunteer Centre

Volunteer Centre  Role Details

Trustee - Social Media & IT

The Friends of St Matthias

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We are a charity focused on Preservation of a local landmark church and spire, its fabric and architecture; visible for miles around and described as Richmond's "Grandest church" by Pevsner. (London 2, 1983)

You are familiar and interested in social media platforms, as a mechanism to outreach and promote.

You have some specialist understanding of using websites to gain maximum impact and outreach.

You are familiar with working with an outside web provider or may prefer to build and maintain a website from scratch ... a "techie", creative, innovative person, good communicator in "jargon-free" terms.

This is a wonderful opportunity to join a team of trustees with a keen interest in the preservation of this local landmark building and in having Fun while raising funds for its projects at community events as well as through other means at the same time. We have many volunteers who kindly help every year at one particular event , which brings people of all ages along to support the project and interact with residents of Richmond!

Through your role, you'll help broaden our outreach, hopefully internationally to all the Richmond's around the world, and to people who have an interest in historical buildings, great architecture and Preservation and raising funds to ensure their survival.

IT, Technology & Websites,Fundraising,Marketing, PR & Media,Trusteeships & Committees

Evaluating & Reviewing, Good IT Skills, Web Design

IT skills in developing and managing charity websites Contribute to trustee meetings constructively and inform other trustees on IT matters. and developments. Work with our platform provider and sponsor as necessary. An interest in Heritage and Preservation of historic buildings and landmarks - our focus is a church spire landmark, visible across west London.

A clean sheet to develop and shape the website platform for the charity, maximizing its impact and effect to justify its cost and maintenance. An opportunity to get involved in the fun end of doing fundraising projects and interact with other trustees and volunteers and outreach to our customers there. Sociable and fun events alongside the detail of trustee board meetings!

4 board meetings a year, plus involvement in any additional committee meetings where required or have volunteered to act. Outside meetings with service provider as required to ensure the website is constructed and efficiently maintained. Have experience of interactive financial capabilities in charity websites or in developing requirements for our website. Social interaction at volunteer and trustee events during the year.

Further location details may be provided below.

Mr Christopher Pearson

3 Cambrian Road

TW10 6JQ

371 to Cambrian Road, Cambrian Gate (into Richmond Park)



Volunteer Centre  Application Process

Volunteer Centre  Support you will receive

We'd arrange meetings where disabled access is possible if required. However, for projects, we really need able-bodied people to help with set-up process, operations during the day and take-down / pack-up at the end of the day. Volunteers at fundraising events who require disabled access can be accommodated and found suitable roles on the stall.

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Volunteer Centre  When we need you to do this role

     Morning       Afternoon       Evening   

Volunteer Centre  Role Type

Volunteer Centre  Suitable For

18 and over

Volunteer Centre  We Welcome

 We welcome and/or have the resources to support:

We warmly welcome all volunteers who are interested in our work - younger/older peoples of all ages, skills, religion or none, ethnicity and diversity.

Volunteer Centre  Covid Safe

At fundraising events, we ensure safe hygiene and handling conditions apply - all involved in handling meat/food items wear hygienic gloves and change then regularly during the day. We protect against Covid or illness by requesting all volunteers/= & trustees are honest and keep away in event they are infected / ill. For trustee meetings, we ensure the meeting area is cleaned and that there are clean toilet facilities available.

Volunteer Centre  Location

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Volunteer Centre  Other Roles for this organisation

This Organisation has  3  other volunteer role(s).
To view them, go back to the search page and enter
The Friends of St Matthias  into the Keyword search.