Volunteer Centre

Volunteer Centre  Role Details

Chair of Friends of Ham Lands

Ham United Group

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The chairperson chairs meetings of Friends of Ham Lands (FoHL) every 2-3 months.

a passion for nature and conservation
the ability to contribute time and energy to leading the existing team, which has regular weekly and monthly active conservation sessions, and organises occasional walks and other activities on the Lands.

Key task:
reviewing and reinforcing the strategic direction of the group

Other issues requiring input as a leader:

organising website redesign and management
supporting volunteer activities
supporting layered mapping project
liaising with Habitats and Heritage

Currently the key FoHL team has a great deal of knowledge and passion but the group is tiny and mature!

Background info:
See https://hamunitedgroup.org.uk/friends-of-ham-lands/
Ham Lands Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) and Local Nature Reserve has an unique variety of habitats because of its history. There are rare and vulnerable species that need protection. The Lands are 180 acres (72 hectares, the equivalent of 100 football pitches). Richmond Council’s Parks Department is responsible for managing the
sustainability of this precious resource. Friends of Ham Lands work very closely with Parks and make a vital contribution to sensitive land management, biodiversity monitoring and engaging the local community with nature. Climate change is having a huge impact, making FoHL activities even more important.

Community Work,Trusteeships & Committees,Environmental,Campaigning & Lobbying,Volunteer Management,Employee & Group Volunteering

Evaluating & Reviewing, Managing People, Organising & Planning, People Skills

The ideal volunteer will have the confidence to lead an existing team and the ability to publicise the existence of FoHL more widely, within Richmond and outside. An ability to attract more volunteers to help would be an asset. Someone with experience leading a friends group or environment-related group would be ideal.

- getting to know a friendly team - gaining experience in chairing a community organisation - learning from local experts on botany, birds, entomology, conservation etc. - knowing you are making a positive difference in a key area - making new connections within the local area

3 hours or so a week

Further location details may be provided below.

Danielle Coleman

Ham Lands, surrounding areas, and volunteer's own home.


Email us at info@hamunitedgroup.org.uk

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Volunteer Centre  Suitable For

18 and over

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Volunteer Centre  Other Roles for this organisation

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