Volunteer Centre

Volunteer Centre  Role Details

Chair for Board of Trustees

EcoACTIVE Education

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ecoACTIVE is an innovative environmental education charity. Our mission is to create a world where young people and communities are agents of change to create a better planet. We offer workshops and courses for schools and community groups, and support community gardening projects.

We are looking to recruit a new Chairperson to lead the Board of Trustees and provide strategic direction for the charity ensuring that we are maximising opportunities for growth, development and financial stability.

As our Chairperson, you will:
- Have an interest/passion in environmental education, sustainability and/or community issues
- Provide leadership and strategic direction for the Board of Trustees and the charity
- Ensure that the Board regularly reviews major risks and associated opportunities, and satisfies itself that systems are in place to take advantage of opportunities and manage and mitigate the risks
- Ensure that the Board fulfills its duties to ensure sound financial health of the charity, with systems in place to ensure financial accountability

Finance & Accountancy,Fundraising,Trusteeships & Committees,Environmental

Managing People, Organising & Planning

Key skills and experience: - Knowledge or keen interest in the type of work undertaken by ecoACTIVE and/or an understanding of, or wider involvement in, the voluntary sector - Strong interpersonal and relationship building abilities, with the ability to listen and engage effectively - Experience of chairing meetings and an understanding of governance requirements for charities - Good communication and interpersonal skills - Impartiality, fairness and the ability to respect confidences

This is an opportunity for you to help influence, shape the work and development of a Hackney based charity. You will meet new people, strengthen your skills and make a real difference for schools, families, young people and residents in the borough.

Bimonthly meetings (currently online) and attendance at the Annual General Meeting Regular liaison via email or additional meetings where necessary with Director and other trustees

Further location details may be provided below.

Jessica Dolan

Most requirements for this role will take place online (bi-monthly online meetings, with some work in between meetings via email or calls). There will be occasional face-to-face meetings, and Trustees are also very welcome to attend some of our workshops and events.

E5 9HQ

Volunteer Centre  Application Process

Volunteer Centre  Support you will receive

ecoACTIVE strives to provide an accessible recruitment process. If you require reasonable adjustments for any part of the process please let us know.

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