Volunteer Centre

Volunteer Centre  Role Details

Befriender/Mentor for children and young people


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Mentor / Befriender for young people - Herefordshire.

Would you like to make a difference to a young person’s life?

Do you have 2- 4 hours per month to spare for at least 2 years?

We would love to hear from you as we have young people waiting for an Independent Visitor to take them out and have fun, so why not volunteer as a mentor/befriender for NYAS as an Independent Visitor for a child/ young person in care. As a volunteer you will:
• Have fun, take young people to maybe share a hobby, sport or interest
• Offer support and a listening ear and be a positive influence in a young person’s life and help build self- esteem and confidence
You don’t need any special qualifications
We are looking for reliable and dependable people from all walks of life with your own transport.
We are in need of male volunteers in particular but all may apply.

We will provide training and on-going support. We will reimburse all expenses including travel.

For further information please go to
which takes you directly to the role and if you have any questions please contact:
Diana Harding on 07436 818827 or diana.harding@nyas.net

Advice, Information & Support,Befriending, Buddying & Mentoring,Caring,Community Work,Driving (must have full driving license),Youth Work,Support Work,General and Helping

Admin, Basic IT skills - internet & email, Organising & Planning, UK Driving Licence

All walks of life, motivated, reliable, non judgemental, child focussed and friendly. Driving licence needed and access to a car. Monthly meetings with child/young person (8-18) but ask for a commitment of minimum of 2 years. The idea is that the relationship is built up over time and you are a consistent, reliable and fun part of the young persons life!

Making a difference to the life of a young person. Receive good quality training and further opportunities to train in other fields such as advocacy. Full support given for the role Expenses paid promptly Having fun!

Further location details may be provided below.

Herefordshire and surrounding counties.


Volunteer Centre  Application Process

Volunteer Centre  Support you will receive

All expenses reimbursed

Volunteer Centre  I'm interested in this role

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Volunteer Centre  When we need you to do this role

     Morning       Afternoon       Evening   

Volunteer Centre  Role Type

Volunteer Centre  Suitable For

18 and over

Volunteer Centre  We Welcome

 We welcome and/or have the resources to support:

We welcome people with life experience to come and volunteer. The only restriction to this role is that it is almost essential to be a car owner and driver due to the rural nature of the county We ask for a minimum of 2 years commitment to the role

Volunteer Centre  Covid Safe

Volunteer Centre  Location

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