Volunteer Centre

Volunteer Centre  Role Details

Management Committee Members

Basement Youth Trust

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The Basement Youth Trust is run by an Executive Committee which under the constitution requires at least 3 Trustees to fulfil the roles of Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. Historically we have had up to 5 Trustees and several non-voting members of the Committee who take on specific tasks.

The charity runs an after school youth club three nights per week and operates with a staff of 5 youth workers. In order to cover staff costs, premises and expenses funding needs to be brought in from various sources, mainly charitable trusts, to the tune of about £35,000 per year.

The key roles on the Committee are:
• Chair - overall responsibility for the running of the charity and the first point of contact for external bodies. Chairs Exec Comm meetings and AGM, does Chair's report annually
• Treasurer - manages the bank account and arranges all payments
• Secretary - arranges meetings, takes and distributes the minutes
• Coordinator - acts as the line manager and first point of contact for the youth workers
Other r

Administration,IT, Technology & Websites,Trusteeships & Committees

Admin, Managing People

Good communications skills and an ability to work in a team. Note taking in meetings, circulation of minutes and assisting with funding applications requiring a good level of computer literacy. Experience of managing people would be an advantage. You do not need experience of youth work and would not be expected to work with the young people directly but to support the paid youth workers.

The Basement Youth Club has been present in Ross since 1995 providing a free to access youth club for young people aged 11 - 17, three nights per week. Since 2014 the club has been kept running by a dedicated group of Trustees and committee members and is funded entirely from charitable trusts and donations. By joining the committee you would allow the club to keep running and serving the young people who benefit from a safe and fun environment where they improve there life skills, get off their devices and partake in activities that most of them would not have access to without the club. Your reward would be the knowledge that the young people's lives are being improved and enhanced by having a youth club in the town.

The committee meets about ten times per year (approximately once a month) in the evenings when the club is open (Tues, Wed) and Thursday. Meetings generally last about 2 hours. In addition to this and depending on the role under taken a further one hour per week may be spent on club business.

Further location details may be provided below.

The Venue Hill Street Ross on Wye HR9 7AD



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Meeting venue has wheelchair access

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     Morning       Afternoon       Evening   

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Volunteer Centre  Suitable For

18 and over

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