Volunteer Centre

Volunteer Centre  Role Details

Friendship Works mentor Greenwich (care experienced young adults)

Friendship Works

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* After a full assessment and training weekend, followed by a home visit from one of our caseworkers, we will look to match you with a care experienced young person
* To have an enhanced DBS check and provide required references
* To understand and abide by all our policies
* To establish/develop a friendship with the mentee
* Provide non-judgemental support to mentee
* Attend regular (weekly initially for six months/then monthly) supervision (phone)
* Attend reviews with mentee/caseworker
* Complete expenses

Befriending, Buddying & Mentoring

Organising & Planning

Whilst Friendship Works welcomes and encourages mentors from all walks of life, there are some minimum requirements. All volunteer mentors must: • be in a settled period of life • be 23 or over • live in or around London, to make travelling once a week a realistic commitment • not have caring responsibilities for a child under 14 • be able to make time three out of four weekends a month to meet with the young person they support. There are no formal qualifications needed to become a volunteer mentor, but we look for some key personal qualities. Emotional maturity; commitment; relationships and approach to youth mentoring

Volunteer mentors have the opportunity to build a friendship and connect with a care experienced young adult in their community who needs more support. They are able to get more involved in their communities as a result. Existing mentors find it rewarding to see the world through the eyes of a care experienced young adult. Many have developed new interests as a result of their friendship. Experienced mentors tell us that in addition to being lots of fun, volunteering with Friendship Works has helped them develop skills such as: • communication • active listening • increased empathy • planning • change/expectation management

3 hours per week, 3 times a month

Further location details may be provided below.

Janet Lundberg

Various London Boroughs


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