Volunteer Centre

Volunteer Centre  Role Details



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The Treasurer will oversee the financial matters of the charity, in line with good practise and legal
requirements, and report to the Board of Trustees at four times a year. The Treasurer will ensure
effective financial measures, controls and procedures are in place for management and
transparency of the charity’s finances. This role also carries with it a requirement that the post
holder will join the existing Acorns 2 Oaks Management Committee as a Trustee and take a
managerial role in the long-term development of the charity.
• Liaise with the Finance Administrator and Chief Executive
• Liaise with the charity’s auditor or independent examiner to complete the financial year ending
accounts and ensure they are compliant with current charities guidelines.
• Monitoring and advise on the on-going financial viability of the charity.
• Where appropriate, to implement and monitor financial controls and ensure systems are
adhered to and to ensure sound financial management of the charity’s resources and
expenditure is kept in line with charity objectives.
• Contribute where appropriate to the fundraising strategy of the organisation.

• While a financial qualification is not a formal requirement, the Treasurer will need to have a good understanding of financial accounting including knowledge of book-keeping, understanding of basic management accounting, be able to produce simple management accounts and final accounts. • Some experience of charity finance and fundraising desirable but not essential. • Be willing to attend Management Committee meeting (held every 3 months in the evening for a maximum of 3 hours). • Understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship.

The post will be subject to a 3- month trial period.

Further location details may be provided below.

Gaynor Murphy

Acorns 2 Oaks Peppermint Children’s Centre Franklin Way, Valley Park, Croydon


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