Volunteer Centre

Volunteer Centre  Role Details

Group Volunteer for Family Play Sessions (Parent Champion)

Home-Start Croydon

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Our group volunteers are ordinary parents. They deliver and support stay and play sessions for parents and children aged 0-5 years across of the borough of Croydon. Within these play sessions, parents can access friendly support and information about services in the local community for parents and children. We need volunteers to help with:

· Setting up the group room

· Being friendly and welcoming

· Making refreshments

· Chatting to parents

· Sharing local knowledge

· Tidying up afterwards

It is sometimes possible for parents to bring their own young child to the group while they are volunteering.

We ask that our volunteers are:

· able to commit to the role for at least 6 months
· prepared to complete our training course plus some additional training sessions throughout the year
· prepared to undergo an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring check (DBS) and provide 2 referees

Home-Start Croydon will pay all authorised expenses for this role.

Advice, information & support,Befriending, buddying and mentoring,Community work

Initiative/Self Motivation, Verbal Communication, Teamwork

Have a Friendly and welcoming manner. You would have experience of being a parent or carer and be able to communicate with other parents and understand their world. Have a non-judgmental attitude and acknowledge the difficulties parents face. Have a positive experience of using family services. Have an understanding of confidentiality and be willing to undertake safeguarding of children training. Have knowledge of and commitment to equal opportunities, fairness and diversity. Be able to keep basic records. Good Interpersonal Skills, Ability to work in a team, Initiative, Adaptability, Friendly, Non-judgemental approach, Commitment.

You get to meet new people and make friends · You can bring your little one with you whilst you volunteer · Gain confidence · Enhance your employment prospects · Further training and learning · Develop new skills · Find out more about how to best help the community

2 – 3 hrs a week term time only

Further location details may be provided below.

Carly Morgan or Louise Fuentes

Office address Home-Start Croydon 1-8 Ramsey Court 122 Church Street Role Address Options of various locations within the borough of Croydon are available.


Volunteer Centre  Application Process

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Volunteer Centre  When we need you to do this role

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Volunteer Centre  Role Type

Volunteer Centre  Suitable For


Volunteer Centre  We Welcome

 We welcome and/or have the resources to support:

This role is a suitable stepping stone for people looking for work in the longer term; non-working parents of children under 5; part time workers; newly retired professionals and other community minded people.

Volunteer Centre  Location

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Volunteer Centre  Other Roles for this organisation

This Organisation has  3  other volunteer role(s).
To view them, go back to the search page and enter
Home-Start Croydon  into the Keyword search.